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If you have a foster child with sensory processing disorder, autism, or ADHD, you might notice that he sometimes struggles with sensory issues. These issues could make life difficult for him and discouraging you as the parent.  However, it’s crucial that you exhibit patience and compassion towards him at all times because it creates a bond of trust with your foster child.  Here are a few ways to help your sensory child thrive.

Purchase Sensory-Friendly Clothing

For the sensory child who is sensitive to certain types of clothes with tags and seams or that could be too tight for him, consider sensory-friendly clothing.  There are online clothing companies that specialize in selling these types of clothing.  The companies include Fun&Function, CalmWear, Kozie Clothes, and Smart Knit Kids.

Bring Structure to the Home

Many sensory kids struggle to adapt to change, and they get anxious when transitions occur.  This is why your foster child might have a meltdown when you tell him that it is time for him to leave the park so that he can get ready to eat dinner at home.  You need to have a structured routine because this is what brings security to your child.  Print out a visual calendar and go over it with your child. Then have him act out the new schedule a few times to make sure he understands it.

Help Him Stay Organized

Executive functioning issues are common among children with sensory problems so you’ll need to assist them with learning to stay organized.  In your child’s playroom, set up three to four bins for the different types of toys that he has.  Teach him where his clothes and other possessions belong in his room, and show him how to keep his drawers and closet neat. Label his storage bins and place a visual poster that describes what you taught him to do.

In conclusion, these strategies can help your sensory child thrive long-term.

If you’re interested in becoming a foster parentcontact us. We’re here to assist you in this journey from start to finish.