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TFI Family Connections (TFI) is pleased to share that it has reached the 10-year mark of working with the Oklahoma community.

TFI is a child welfare agency serving five states, including Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas and Missouri. In Oklahoma, TFI partners with the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) to provide foster care support to families across the Tulsa, Lawton and Oklahoma City regions.

“I am so excited that TFI is celebrating 10 years of providing foster care services in Oklahoma,” said Rachelle Roosevelt, Chief Programs Officer, TFI. “We appreciate our good partnership with OKDHS as we serve children in need of a loving, caring home. So many children have been helped by our terrific foster homes through the years.”

In FY23, TFI Oklahoma served 408 children, reintegrated 67 children with biological families and finalized 40 adoptions.

“The hard work and dedication of both our foster homes and foster care workers is evident in the children we have served throughout the years,” said Angela Blanton, Oklahoma Foster Care Director, TFI. “We look forward to continued collaboration with our partners as we strive to provide quality services to children and families for years to come.”

TFI is actively recruiting foster families to provide a loving, caring home to children in foster care. Foster parents are essential and vital partners who help TFI deliver quality services and support for children and families. To learn more about how you can make a difference in a child’s life by becoming a foster parent, please call 1-833-7FOSTER or visit us online at